
5e Critical Hit Decks for Players and GMs! Only $12!

Created by Nord Games

Four decks make up 208 cards of exciting and brutal 1 and 20 outcomes for both Players and Game Masters designed for 5th Edition!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One Hour To Go! Let's Reach $40,000!!!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2016 at 02:29:58 AM

Help share the project via facebook, twitter, and google+ so we can cross the $40,000 mark! We can do it!!!

Share this link everywhere:

24 Hours Remain!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2016 at 02:29:54 AM

We've come to the final push and our last change to cross off the last stretch goals! It's incredible to see the influx of backers each time our link is shared on a forum or social media. Keep up the good work!

We will be hosting a Google Hangout session tomorrow (May 1st) at 11am PST so please join us if you can! A link will be posted in the comments section, and an update when the hangout goes live!

Happy Gaming!


48 Hours Left!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2016 at 02:29:39 AM

As we enter the final 48 hours, we want to thank each and everyone on of you for helping us spread the word about this project and helping us to achieve such lofty goals!

We have just unlocked the $30,000 stretch goal and we have 4 more to go! Let's see high much we can raise over by Sunday at 9:00pm!

Sharing the project via social media, gaming forums, and sending the link to your gamer friends is how we got here! Keep up the good work!



72 Hours To Go!
almost 9 years ago – Tue, May 03, 2016 at 02:28:56 AM

It's about to get a little crazy as we enter the final few days of the campaign. We Have a few stretch goals yet to be achieved, but you never know what numbers might come in after the 48 hours notice goes out! Make sure you let all of your friends know that the project is ending soon! 

Also, we created a new pledge level for those of you who want two full sets of decks. Check the main page for the $72 pledge. This will save you some money as you'll get all 8 decks for $9 each!

Lastly, enjoy some more sneak peeks!

Critical Fail (Dangerous)
Critical Fail (Dangerous)
Bad Luck
Bad Luck
Player Critical Hit (Dangerous)
Player Critical Hit (Dangerous)