Demo Deck Pics!
almost 9 years ago
– Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 07:37:58 AM
A lot of people have been asking for pictures of our demo deck so here it is :)
The black and white icons indicating damage type have been changed to wax seals on our latest revisions of all the decks.
We are very happy with our funding so far! Thank you all for helping to spread the word!
$10,000 in a Day!
almost 9 years ago
– Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 03:49:10 PM
Well, what can we say? A huge thank you to everyone who took our project from 0 to ten times the funding goal in the first 24 hours! We are truly fortunate to have such a great group of fans!
We are continuing to spread the project across the vast expanses of the internet, and we hope you do the same. Depending on how the next few days go, we will likely be adding some unexpected stretch goals to the project. Any stretch goals we do add will be ones that don't add any time to the delivery of your rewards. We are toying with a few options so stay tuned!
Again, a sincere thank you to everyone. We couldn't make these projects come to life without you!
Happy Gaming!
-Chris & Ralph